The My Support Cases page allows you to easily view all Non-Closed cases raised against all Case Types that you are named as the Case Contact. By default, when you first log into the Support Portal, you will be directed to the My Support Cases page.

A screenshot of the My Support Cases page on the Support Cases. An arrow points to the portion of the page that displays open cases with a text box that says, "Find all your open cases here."

Navigating through cases

By default, My Support Cases displays up to 25 cases. If you have more than 25 cases open, you can navigate through them or change the number of cases per page by using the navigation toolbar that appears after your list of open cases.

A screenshot of the My Support Cases page in the Support Portal. A large arrow points towards the page navigation tool for the table of open cases. There is a textbox that says, "Navigate through pages of cases."

View all your organization's cases

To view all of the cases open for your organization, click My cases and select Group cases from the drop-down menu.

A screenshot of a segment of the My Support Cases page on the Support Portal. The My Cases drop-down menu is highlighted with an orange box and a navy blue graphic of a hand clicking on the menu.