Limitations and assumptions

In a private edition environment, Billing Data Service (BDS) currently supports deployments only on the specific Kubernetes platforms cited in About BDS. Deploying BDS in environments that are not officially tested and certified by Genesys is not supported. If your organization requires a special business case to deploy BDS in an uncertified or unsupported environment (for example, mixed-mode), contact your Genesys Account Representative or Customer Care.

Download the Helm charts

For general information about downloading containers, see: Downloading your Genesys Multicloud CX containers.

To learn what Helm chart version you must download for your release, see Helm charts and containers for Billing Data Service.

The BDS Helm chart defines a CronJob:

BDS Helm chart package [ bds-cronjob-<version>.tgz ]:

Scripts in this container run Extraction, Transformation, and Load process according to the main configuration specified as Config Map.  

BDS queries data primarily from Genesys Info Mart, GVP Reporting Server, and the Framework Configuration Management Environment, and can transmit the data to the SFTP server.

Third-party prerequisites

Before deploying BDS, configure the following 3rd party components:

  • Consul
    • Version: 1.9.5 - 1.9.x
    • Purpose: Service discovery, service mesh, and key/value store
    • Notes: Provision Consul to provide gvp_config_dbid and ivr_app_dbid parameters with Tenant ID and default IVR application ID values from the GVP Configuration Server database. Where,
      • gvp_config_dbid is the DB ID for a particular tenant.
      • ivr_app_dbid is the DB ID for the default IVR application for that tenant.

        Example request:

        curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://<consul_url>/v1/kv/tenants/<tenant_uuid>/gvp
        "gvp_config_dbid": "161",
        "ivr_app_dbid"  : "217"
    • Command Line Interface
      • Purpose: The command line interface tools to log in and work with the Kubernetes clusters.

Storage requirements

To deploy a BDS container on a node (or a worker computer), you need the following storage elements:

  • dual-core vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 40 GB PVC*
  • Database - BDS does not require any database but extracts the data from the GIM database, that is, Postgres. Hence, BDS supports any Postgres version that GIM currently supports.

* BDS creates the persistent volume claim (PVC) file storage to save the extracted and transformed files with current ETL time stamps.

  • The file share must be persistent, and must be mounted inside the pod to /mnt/fileshare folder. Note: Mount name cannot be changed, once created.
  • The information and files necessary to start BDS in between launches is stored on PVC.
  • Data in the file share must be backed up with a retention period of 90 days, and data protection.

Network requirements

Not applicable

Browser requirements

Not applicable

Genesys dependencies

BDS interoperates with the following Genesys software applications to receive billing data:

  • Genesys Voice Platform Reporting Server (GVP RS) 9.0 or later
  • Genesys Info Mart or later

Depending on the metrics that you need, you must ensure that the corresponding data sources are available in your environment for BDS to generate meaningful reports.

To build requests for main data sources, BDS obtains additional information from the following sources:

  • GVP Config Server
  • Genesys GWS

NOTE: Genesys Multicloud CX private edition is being released to pre-approved customers as part of the Beta Program. Please note that the documentation and the product are subject to change. For more details about the program, please contact your Genesys representative.
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