This article defines the measurements used in all Genesys Multicloud CX offers, including Private Edition, to determine consumption for billing purposes. You can also download a spreadsheet of the definitions from the Resource Center: Genesys Multicloud CX billing measurement definitions.

  • User: An individual who (i) is authorized by Customer and (ii) has been supplied a user identification and password(s) by Customer to access the Genesys Multicloud CX Services on Customer’s behalf.  A User may be a Concurrent User or Named User.
  • Supervisor: A subtype of user, Customer technical, operational, and support personnel authorized to use the administrative functions and features of the Multicloud CX Services, but not otherwise authorized to use the Genesys Multicloud CX Services in production.   
  • Agent: A subtype of user that is authorized to handle customer interactions in production but not authorized to use the administrative functions of the Genesys Multicloud CX Services.
  • Concurrent User: The maximum number of unique User IDs that are logged into a Genesys Multicloud CX Service within any one second interval in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) during the applicable month. Concurrent Users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region and for each Multicloud CX Service. If, during an applicable month, the same User ID logs into the same Multicloud CX Service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a Concurrent User in each of those regions and for that Multicloud CX Service. Concurrent User excludes any User IDs used by Genesys for test purposes but includes any User IDs used by Customer for test purposes.
  • Named User: The total number of unique User IDs that are logged into a Genesys Multicloud CX Service in a given geographic region (US, EU, AP) during the applicable month. Named Users are calculated and billed separately for each geographic region. If, during an applicable month, the same User ID logs into the same Multicloud CX Service in multiple geographic regions, that User ID is counted as a Named User in each of those regions during that month and for that Multicloud CX Service. Named User excludes any User IDs used by Genesys for test purposes but includes any User IDs used by Customer for test purposes.
  • Multicloud CX Services: Multicloud CX Services provided by Genesys such as, but not limited to, Inbound Voice, Email, Chat, Outbound, Digital Messaging, Callback, Predictive Routing, Voice 1, Voice 2, Digital 1, Digital 2, Gplus Wfm Adapter, CRM Adapters, Interaction Recording.
  • Port: A semi-permanent interactive information interchange between two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and User (that is, a session). A Port is set up or established at a certain point in time and ended or otherwise closed at a later point in time.
  • IVR Minutes: The total sum of minutes associated with all IVR services during a billing period.
  • ASR & TTS Minutes (Nuance): ASR and TTS Minutes for Nuance are calculated as the sum of total call duration in minutes for all call segments during which any of the Nuance Software is used. Each segment is a minimum of 20 seconds and rounded up to the next six (6) second increment.
  • Voice Mailbox: A recording device that stores voice mails either for individual users or for groups of users. It is billed by number of unique users configured to use any voicemail box(es) during the billing period and billed separately for each geographical region.
  • Recording Storage: Is measured in Gigabytes and is used for voice, IVR, and screen recordings when those services are enabled. Usage is measured using the highest value rounded up to the nearest GB and then summed across the geographic regions (US, EU, AP).
  • Interaction: An interactive information interchange between two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and User across a single media. Media includes but is not limited to Voice, E-mail, Chat, and other Digital messaging services.
  • CX Outbound Interaction: A subtype of interaction that is either initiated by an agent or by a computer towards a target number. This subtype of interaction is counted regardless of a connection being established between the two parties or even if no attempt is made to reach the target number because the target number is part of a "Do not call List". CX Outbound Interactions are also counted for outgoing SMS and E-mails.
  • Predictive Routing Interaction: A subtype of interaction that is counted when a customer interaction is routed to an agent as a result of a predictive routing recommendation. A connection between the customer agent does not have to be established for a Predictive Routing Interaction to be counted.
  • Chatbot Interaction: "A subtype of interaction that is defined as an unlimited number of messages exchanged back and forth between the Consumer and a Chatbot, using a single communication channel. The interaction ends with the following criteria: 
    • Consumer or Chatbot ends the conversation.
    • Conversation is queued or transferred to an agent. If the agent transfers the customer back to the Chatbot, a new interaction is incurred. 
    • A customer-defined “interaction duration timer” expires (the maximum duration of the timer is 24 hours)."
  • Voicebot Minutes: "A subtype of interaction that is defined as an unlimited number of messages exchanged back and forth between the Consumer and a Voicebot, using a single communication channel. The interaction ends with the following criteria: 
    • Consumer or Voicebot ends the conversation.
    • Call is queued or transferred to an agent. If the agent transfers the customer back to the Voicebot, a new interaction is incurred.
      The duration interaction is counted in minutes rounded to the nearest minute."
  • Task Routing Interaction: A subtype of interaction that is defined as request that is submitted to Genesys routing to route a task. Note: The task does not actually need to be routed in order to be counted.