1. Navigate to Configuration > Applications > WB Zookeeper > 6.Workbench Zookeeper Authentication.
  2. Configure the following fields:
    • Enabled: Click this checkbox to enable ZooKeeper Authentication.
    • Username: Provide an ZooKeeper Username (i.e. "WB_ZK") which be be used for the Authentication Username Credential.
    • Password: Provide an ZooKeeper Password (i.e. "my_p@ssword123") which be be used for the Authentication Username Credential.
      • NOTE: The password fields include an eye icon button that allows you to see the plain text when entering the password.
    • Confirm password: Provide the ZooKeeper Password (i.e. "my_p@ssword123") again to ensure accuracy.
      • NOTE: The password fields include an eye icon button that allows you to see the plain text when entering the password.
  3. Click Save.